Tame That Chest Hair Beast With These Waxing Tips

As manscaping becomes more and more popular, you’ll find your schedule filling up with guys that are looking for all the benefits of long term hair removal that waxing brings. One of the most popular is chest hair waxing, and while not easy, we promise it’s not as difficult as you might think. The Wax Queen’s got some kick ass tips that will show you how to crush the beast and give your guys exactly what they want—a chest worth baring.


Getting Started Tips

Start with Jasmine Pre-Depilatory Oil: This will condition and protect the skin prior to waxing. Mineral oil and sweet almond oil create a protective barrier on the skin that won’t interfere with the efficacy of the wax. Apply from the waist up to the neck area. 

Evaluate the hair growth patterns. This will give you the road map on where to start. Typically the stomach and mid-chest grow inward and the upper chest grows up  and outward. You’ll want to follow this hair growth pattern as you wax. 


While You Wax Tips

Begin by using a hard wax to open up a larger area of the chest. It’s always easier to use hard wax to open up a large area like the chest. Then follow up with a soft wax once you have clearly defined sections. Start by putting down several strips of hard wax. Apply firm pressure to ensure the wax gets through the hair all the way down to the skin. Remember that with hard wax the only way the hair is embedded in the strip is by applying the firm pressure. When removing the strip of hard wax, make the skin tight, and then pull in 2 or 3 sections. Think “press” and “pull.”   

Don’t forget to check in on your client as you progress. After you’ve completed a few sections with hard wax, switch to a soft wax and cover larger sections of the chest—always keeping the spatula at a 90 degree angle and on the edge of the skin. With large strips, use a nice firm stroke while making the skin tight and then pull. Flip your strip over and continue. 


Post Wax Clean Up Tips

Finish up by taking one strip and “press and pull” across the entire chest to get rid of any stickiness and to see if you missed any hair. Then gently apply a cooling lavender lotion, followed by reapplying some Jasmine Oil to remove any residual stickiness, wiping firmly with a fresh strip. If this is their first chest hair wax appointment, add some post wax essential oil. Then follow up with a blemish control product, (it’s normal for the chest area to breakout) and a post wax soothing cream to take the red out of the skin. 

Pro Tip: Be sure to have them take home a blemish control product. Regardless of how much or how little hair they have, the chest it’s one of the most common areas clients break out post wax. Have them use it morning and night for at least four days, continuing as long as breakouts are present. This will allow them to get a jump start on minimizing acne breakouts.